大珍HC系列吸附性集尘塔 活性炭大型集尘塔 大型中央集尘系统
一、吸着塔的概念(Principle of Tower collector)
所谓吸着塔是指通过物理, 化学方法吸收, 吸着各种有机气体及恶臭进行去除的设备,在由分子层构成的固体表面, 由于原子自由结合及气体间的化学结合,拥有强大的吸着气体的能力. 该设备气体粉尘接触固体表面被吸附,
利用该原理及吸着现象, 即使在气体或液体或固体的深度极低的情况, 若使用一定的吸着剂能够选择性地去除, 因此被广泛用于产业领域及环境清洁设备等方面.
Activated Carbon Tower is that absorbs and removes organic gases and malodors. This device has a strong absorption ability by the free bonding of atoms on the solid surface composed of molecule layers and chemical bindings of just the gas. Absorption occurs when gases come in contact with and
adheres to the solid surface. This phenomenon can be used to selectively remove gases and odors,even under extremely low concentrations of solids by utilizing appropriate absorbent and allows wide applications of the device.
吸着塔可以同时去除恶臭及有害气体, 不会产生废水, 拥有运转及整备费用低廉的优点,主要适用于食品制造工厂, 粉刷设备, 油漆, 涂装, 恶臭气体发生工厂.
A/C Tower can eliminate malodor and toxic gas simultaneously without any production of waste water.
Very economic cost for operation and maintenance.
・粪尿处理厂, 废水处理厂等
•Feed factory
•Paints,petroleum,chemical plant
•Sewage disposal plant
•Field for organic solvents and VOCs
(Volatile Organic Compound) are produced