| 加工定制:是 | | 品牌:大珍 | | 型号:SDA-505 | |
| 脱硫率:95 % | | 除尘率:95 % | | 阻力损失:512 Pa | |
| 液气比:9541 | | 出口含尘浓度:92135 g/Nm3 | | 使用温度范围:-15-50 ℃ | |
| 处理风量:46123 m3/h | | 过滤速度:45626 m/min | | | |
大珍打磨除尘器 打磨抛光集尘器 抛光除尘一体机
•汽车整备工厂, 汽车产业, 木工产业, 产业机械局部排气装置用
•Automotive repair shops, automotive industry, woodworking industry, industrial machinery exhaust device.
•安装Dust空气分离作业系统, 过滤器寿命比原有方式长.
•完美的集尘效果, 保护作业者的健康, 维持车间清洁.
•简单的开关操作, 可以进行研磨, 抛光作业.
•工具的小型, 轻量化可以在狭窄空间作业以及单手操作.
•Long life filter fitted to the centrifuge.
•Dust Filter Equipped with air separation system lifetime is longer than traditional methods.
•Complete with suction effect maintain worker health and workplace cleanliness.
•A simple switch operation grinding, sanding, polishing can be done.
•Narrow space of 09 small and lightweight furnace operation and possible one-handed operation.